seeing snow & meeting Enhypen + KU orientation!!!

Many things occur during my weeks 3 & 4.  It was soon late February but it started snowing which was surprising. Although it wasn't my first time experiencing snow it was my first witnessing it falling from the sky. This week I was also able to go to a concert held at KSPO Dome. Enhypen, one of my favorite Kpop group held a 3 day concert and I was able to buy tickets for 2 days. On the first day, my friend and I waited outside the venue in the early morning for 3 hours in line to buy merchandise. It was super cold as it was early and we were surrounded by snow. However, it was a one-time experience and I don't regret it. The whole concert and experience was so amazing, I was able to see them up close and jam to their songs, honestly a highlight I would remember forever on this whole trip. 


The fourth week is when school started their orientation! Korea University has a buddy exchange program where they split exchange and visiting students into groups to chat and interact with locals attending KU. We mainly go out for lunch and dinners and each group often has their own events planned like visiting Lotte World, Namsan Tower, and many more! I am in two exchange groups, one for all exchange students from different majors which is known as KUBA, and one specifically for business majors called KUBS. 

In KUBA, I experience my first school social after-party. In Korea, it's a common tradition to go drinking with students or people from the same department after attending an event. I met many new people and got to talk with some Korean locals about their life at KU. One surprising thing is many Koreans actually speak very good English, their pronunciation can have them mistaken as an exchange or international student. It was quite easy talking with locals in KUBA so hopefully I’m able to meet more locals and become friends with them once classes begin.  It was overall a very good introduction to the people and school, it made my expectations high for the following school semester! 

 At orientation going over rules and regulations

My KUBA group photo! 

Unfortunately, when we finally started school around week 5, I caught the cold/throat flu that was going around and was bedridden for about 4 days and missed a lot of events. We had a cheer off against Yonsei University and KUBA arranged a Namsan tower tour event that I was not able to attend. I think it was inevitable getting sick considering how often I go out, it’s important to wash your hands and to have some mask in hand with you. Most of my friends, people from Hawai’i at least have the coughs and runny nose. One thing I want to mention is I realized living here, often people do not wash their hands after using the bathroom. I caught a few times people leaving right after and often people cough openly without covering their mouths. 

Thankfully I got better after the 5th day but I’m currently experiencing chest pain from the severe coughing I had for the past few days. There are multiple pharmacy and clinics you can visit in Anam, I got prescribed medicine and even bought some on my own at the pharmacy but it was a little pricey. I suggest bringing some medicine from home if you have. After experiencing being sick with no parents to take care of you, it is definitely one of the hardest part about studying abroad. Hopefully soon, I’ll be better and won’t miss any other events. 


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